Friday, September 27, 2013

7 Common Weight Loss Challenges

Hey RFL Challengers! We decided to compile a list of 7 common challenges when trying to lose weight. Some may seem obvious - but you'd be surprised at how re-examining these areas can really push you further along.

1. Sleep

Getting a full night’s sleep is VITAL to achieving your weight loss goals. Most doctors suggest 7-8 hours of sleep to recharge, but oversleeping can be just as harmful. Try to get to bed as early as you can (Shoot for not much later than 10 PM) and restrict the use of electronics for at least an hour before bedtime. Your mind needs time to wind down - so keep the iPad out of the bedroom

2. Stress

Stress, quite literally, kills. Stress management is not only important to staying healthy but it also can help with your weight loss. Stress can often lead to lack of sleep (see #1) and bad eating habits. Do you find that you reward yourself with food (or a drink!) after getting through a stressful situation? Try not to let bad habits become your coping mechanism. Practicing yoga, meditating or simply starting your day with deep breathing can do so much for your overall well being.

3. Interval Training

Working out on your own time can be a challenge. Maybe you're focused at boot camp but you struggle to get in your cardio sessions away from the gym. While walking and other low level cardio is good for people just starting out, you don't want to lose muscle mass! Consider high intensity interval training over traditional low level cardio. With interval training you are getting your heart rate up AND conditioning your body so you don't lose muscle mass like you do with long duration cardio.

Here is a video that shows you a really easy interval training idea when going out for a run. It's hard and is a lot more focused than just going for a jog or spending an hour on the treadmill.

4. Portion Control

Switching from 400 calories of cookies to 400 calories of walnuts is a better choice for your health - but that is still a big chunk of your daily food intake! If you haven’t already done it, log your food. Also, reading the labels on your food is always helpful - the more you know the more you can estimate the calorie and macronutrient levels.  

5. Indulgences (Yes, that means wine!)

This is a common challenge for a lot of people, and quite often it isn’t as much of a problem as they think. I strongly advocate an 90/10 dieting rule, meaning...if you stay on plan 80% of the time you will achieve BIG results. If you truly feel deprived on your eating plan it is easy to backslide and cheat. Some people like to go for a cheat meal at the end of the week while some people love to cheat a little bit every day. Go with what works for you.

With that said, there are more sensible choices you can make. Go for darker chocolate for the protein (2-3 grams in a serving), antioxidants and lower sugar content. Favor red wine for the polyphenols. Coffee, in moderation, has incredible health benefits. Coffee contains important minerals like magnesium and chromium which helps to regulate blood sugar...just drink it black! These are truly moderation foods as more than a serving a day will reduce the health benefits. a
re truly moderation foods and can still be enjoyed in a healthy lifestyle!
6. Planning

Properly planning and getting yourself organized is the key to a healthy diet. Let me say that again. Properly planning and getting yourself organized is the key to a healthy diet. How many times have you skipped breakfast because you overslept? Go for a fast food lunch because you didn’t have time to make something healthy? This is where so many fail. Planning your meals at the start of the week is helpful for several reasons. One, you’ll waste less food. Few things are more discouraging than throwing away old, rotten produce. Secondly, you’ll have a plan which you can then call on throughout the week. Making meals ahead of time and storing them in the fridge is another great way to save time during a busy week.  

7. Staying Consistent

This might be the biggest challenge of them all. You start that diet on Monday, go hard for a few days and then fall apart by the weekend (or Tuesday!)

The hardest part of your body to change is your mind. Get your mind right. Identify why you are trying to change and remind yourself every day of that reason. Write it down if you need to. Post it to your fridge. Remember - you deserve to live the healthiest and happiest life you can.

So there you have it. These are ideas that you can take away for a lifetime of health and happiness. Good luck, everyone!

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