Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Boot Camp Scheduling Process

Good day! Awesome to see everyone at the kick off event last night. Hope your first day of the challenge is off to a strong start!

 Everyone should be on the email list now. IF you know someone (a friend or significant other you signed up, etc.) who should be but isn't, please forward along this email.

 One thing I didn't go into much detail on last night was the class sign up process. Here's how it works:

 - At the studio, we have the schedule up for the current and next week.

 - You can sign yourself up for any class that has space in it that you would like.

 - If you can't make a class, we ask that you let us know asap. It's like a personal training session, and we DO cap the classes at a specific attendance # and plan the workouts based around how many folks we're going to have coming, so this helps us keep organized. You can email me at this address: to get a hold of me.

 - If for some reason you haven't gotten signed up yet, check out the schedule here:


 And let me know when you'd like to attend your first class. I will double check and make sure there is room, and then you can sign yourself up moving forward for the rest of your classes.

 Also - for new folks - if you are interested in training more than 1x per week at the studio during the challenge, let us know - we have options for ya ;)

 That's it for now! Train hard, and talk soon

- Forest

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